Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sabine Becomes A "Normal" Horse

Sabine came to BEHS not at all halter broke.  She wasn't scared of people, but she really had no use for them.  Since arriving at my place in February, she's learned to lead, be caught, be haltered, have her feet trimmed, stand for fly spray and baths and grooming, and wear a saddle and bridle.  Although I don't tie her hard and fast (I just wrap the rope around a pole), she hasn't set back or even pulled back in months.  Occasionally you can startle her - but she just jumps, moves away from you and quickly settles down.  No one would ever know she was once an unhandled and uneducated horse.  She really is a normal horse now!

She's also carrying a saddle and bridle.  The bit bothered her at first - she licked and chewed.  But now she wears it with no problems.  She's had a western saddle and english saddle on, and neither bother her.  She's got the basic idea of longing down, and she's doing well.

Tonight, I groomed her, picked up all four feet, fly sprayed her and saddled her - all like a normal horse.  She's even moving over when I put pressure on her side when she's standing at the tie rail.  We went out to the round pen and longed at a walk and trot - no problems.  She's not crazy about cantering on the longe, but we're working on it.

She did so well with everything that I added a new thing today:  I put my foot in the stirrup and hopped up and down.  She put her ears back, but otherwise she didn't even move. I did this on her left side and right side.  Then I got a bucket, stood up on it, and leaned over her back. I patted the saddle, wiggled it around and put a little weight on her back.  No response.

This mare is doing so well - it really is time for her to be adopted and get trained to ride. She's ready for someone who knows what they're doing to continue the work I started. I am SO proud of her!

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